Wednesday, July 19, 2006


The stuff below, recent, hinges on the word 'Joy'. Which is like fun turned up to 11 on the dial. because i think that's what we need to aim for. Fun always seemed so low-grade.
On the other hand, try googling 'joy' and look at the tsunami of born-again weppishness and general new age frippery you find. Zeus! I thought people had backbones. Apparently not in the rampant california of the mind. Molluscs.
The manifesto we are hobbling towards (to then abandon) is authored by PG (what singularly inappropriate initials the man has) and I add my grains of salt. As I believe all theory has to be the leisured activity of AFTER, it's really only to stoke the fires against inertia. talking is good. the English don't talk. the french talk you to death (from the smoky homeliness of the upstairs bistro). And what here? No cynicism, please.
Peter points out, in addendum to my 'more females' addendum, that more females usually translates into boys making films about the girls they desire (but are too shy or twisted to say)... so, let me addend I mean films BY females (girls or women, it's all the one), not girls as actors, objects, decoration or coffee cup holders. Ah.
My immediate concern is how to build a watertight camera box, to enable aquatic recon of submerged local towns. Oh, forgot, it's illegal. But a fellow was just arrested in London for wearing a jacket deemed 'inappropriate for the season'. Now he's on the terrorist lists.
The photo? Google 'joy' and look between kitsch squishiness and faked pornography, you will find the odd typhoon.


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