Sunday, July 30, 2006

These Fundamental Questions

All these little gracenotes about aesthetics (which as i maintain, does not exist, there being only Ethics) very little indeed about content, the so-called subject matter (or worse, "theme") of a film.
So let's elaborate: in this instance, by stating questions.
Can a man be broken, as we say a horse can be broken? In the human case, is this always definitive? Or is there ever remission? I would like to know.
Do we love a singular, individual person, or do we project abstract qualities onto them, which they do not posess? Is falling in love only the lack of opposition to our projections? Or (because I do know the answer to this one) is disillusionment inevitable as knowledge increases?
Are architectural objects sometimes ominous because we see them from underneath, when they are designed to be seen (and are seen by the architects) from above?
Is rain comforting because it approximates the sound of blood rushing around the womb, the last time we were perfectly secure/ Or is it that in the outside world, the rain washes away all trails and smells, so for at least the length of a rainstorm, the heavier the better, you are safe from predators?
Appropriate thoughts for a Sunday, i think. Good evening.


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