Paper Tigers
Though these posts in principle are never edited or revised, I make an exception for this one, as other voices will modify, contradict and add. So - here's version one, watch this space for further provocations.
( ‘béat’ (bay-aah) = ‘blissful’ in French)
There are no excuses for not making films. The BEAT MANIFESTO is designed to specifically eliminate all those obstacles one raises to explain WHY one cannot make films: money, time, experience, resources, colleagues, legal restrictions, inertia.
1. A beat film starts with ONE SITUATION + ONE IMPULSE.
2. Make your films with the means at hand.
3. Violate all copyright law.
4. Tend towards potlatch. Put in as much as you can, and expect nothing in return.
5. Use no paraphernalia. No tripods, no special lenses, no filters, no gadgets.
6. Push your equipment to its limits. Get to know how much you can do with the camera on its own. No automatic settings.
7. Shoot in one uninterrupted session. A film in a day.
8. Edit within a week.
9. Show the film within a month. (after 90 days the film must be left unfinished)
10. Involve strangers. Get involved with them. Film = life and life = film.
11. NO scripts (but scraps of scripts are OK)
12. Make many things.
13. Don’t obsess over details. Get it right NEXT TIME. Do it better.
14. Leave all rough edges.
15. Never sign releases or contracts. Ever.
16. Share your knowledge and skills, switch roles. Get into situations where you do not yet have the skills.
17. Honor your mistakes as hidden intentions.
18. Do not give more to those who already have too much.
19. Work fast.
20. Don’t be precious. Anybody and everybody can do this. The ‘artist’ is an anachronism like a mediaeval guild or closed shop union – designed to exclude. Beat films are designed to include.
21. Place your faith in Allah… but tie up your camel.
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