Monday, August 07, 2006

Cholerna Pogoda

Or, bloody weather. Though I feel as at home as proust and his madelaines, having just spent a james Bond moment in the local Honarary Comsulate - deserted building, guarded by a 50-something apparatchik lady (very polite), up a flight of composite stairs, enter an empty office suite. A young Ms Moneypenny behind a desk. Empty cupboards. telephone, fax, computer... a front if ever I saw one. Maybe... Anyway, I got my passport forms and have to send them off with lots of money. Bureaucracy!
The images are of the airbus wing over Germany, and some rainy night streetlamp. Romantic, no? these will undoubtedly find their way into a fillum at some point. Meanwhile, I'm off before I get collared by the waitress.


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